Monthly Archives: June 2019

Want to Innovate, SpeakUP, Disrupt? You need Rebel Talent

This month, I’ve been humbled by being acknowledged by the Think: Act magazine as a Business Disruptor, Rebel WITH a cause and a Constructive non Conformist. What an honour and a privilege to be recognised this way, not only for myself, but for all whistleblowers. Click on the picture to access the [...]

June 27th, 2019|

Tethering Humility To Power

We’ve all encountered at least one. An individual in a position of power, or not, that ‘knows it all’.  They lead over people with the “tacit assumption” that life is fundamentally and always a competition.  That, as leaders, they are being paid for fixing problems rather than for fostering breakthrough [...]

June 2nd, 2019|