Monthly Archives: April 2015

Human Behaviours Preventing Whistleblowing + the Courageous Conversations Intervention

The BARRIERS and LEVERS through which HUMAN BEHAVIOUR is able to EFFECT CHANGE in the WHISTLEBLOWING ARENA Click on the link below to read my full working paper: Goodbye Whistleblowing, Hello Courageous Conversations

April 29th, 2015|

Have You Lost your Mind?

Try to imagine yourself as a subject in an Asch experiment. You arrive at the lab together with seven other subjects for what is likely to be a boring experiment. Which line is equal in length to the standard line, pictured on the left? Things go smoothly for three or [...]

April 23rd, 2015|

Goodbye Whistleblowing, Hello Courageous Conversations

I want to share good news -  I've recently completed a training program in Berkeley, San Francisco and have partnered with Courageous Leadership, LLC, a consulting firm based the US. I believe their evidence-based programs could be a wonderful fit for your organisation to support your business objectives of enhancing ethical [...]

April 11th, 2015|