
Nations with Rights Broader than the Employment Context (13)

ATTACHMENT 2 Australia PIDA, Provision (Prov.) sec. 10, 15. (all civil and criminal liability) Bosnia WPA, Art. 6. (criminal liability) Ghana WPA, Art. 18 (any civil and criminal liability) Hungary PIDA, Art. 11 (all civil and criminal liability -- “any action … which may cause disadvantage”) India WPA, Ch. IV.11 [...]

April 21st, 2016|


The list below does not cover restrictions on disclosures of classified information. The criteria are restrictions for disclosures of unclassified information by national security/law enforcement whistleblowers, or due process anti-retaliation rights that are weak or non-existent compared to the rest of the whistleblower law. Canada PIDA (No provision to override [...]

April 21st, 2016|

Nations with dedicated whistleblower laws

  ATTACHMENT 1 Australia, Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (Aus. PIDA) Belgium, September 15, 2013. - Law on the Termination of a Suspected Violation of the Integrity in a Federal Administrative Authority by a Member of his Staff, (Belgium WPA), Bosnia, Law on Whistleblower Protection in the Institutions of Bosnia-Herzegovina, [...]

April 21st, 2016|

International Whistleblowing Best Practice

INTERNATIONAL BEST PRACTICES FOR WHISTLEBLOWER POLICIES   November 8, 2015   by Tom Devine, Legal Director, The Government Accountability Project (GAP) is a non-profit, nonpartisan public interest law firm that specializes in protection for genuine whistleblowers -- employees who exercise free speech rights to challenge institutional illegality, abuse of power [...]

April 21st, 2016|

Is your Organisation an Early Adopter? Take a Chance on Me.

"I've spent a period of ‘service’ on society’s boundaries"  Wendy Addison I blew the whistle on corporate corruption fifteen years ago, long before Julian Assange or Edward Snowden made the topic mainstream.  Securing justice after an eleven year battle whilst living in abject poverty has set me free to re [...]

April 16th, 2016|

Knowing YOU, Knowing ME- Honesty Hypocrisy

“Morality is extolled—even enacted—not with an eye to producing a good and right outcome but in order to appear moral yet still benefit oneself” Research conducted on When Values and Behaviour Conflict asked a group of employees the following questions: “What are your most important moral values?” “What are some [...]

March 18th, 2016|

Myths And Masks Of Legislative Protection For Whistleblowers

  Myths and Masks of Legislative Policy for Whistleblower Protection and how behavioural insights can assist in creating new standards of best practice. Over the last couple of weeks I participated in two events at opposite ends of the world, paralleled in focusing on whistleblowing and how to protect those [...]

March 8th, 2016|

The Power Punch That Silences Voice

When people have the ability to voice their opinions and have formal processes available to them why do we so often see that they refrain from doing so? Several theories of group behaviour, from Janis’s (1972) groupthink to threat rigidity (Staw, Sandelands, & Dutton, 1981), have shown that forces come [...]

March 8th, 2016|

Whistleblowers – Reluctant Heroes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvUZQ_FRkak Virtue may have its place, but when the executioner's hand is near, weep your victim-hood as softly as you can. As a whistleblower who ‘won’ an eleven year war of attrition and secured justice I have been released from the entrapment of victimhood although I have been victimised.  My [...]

March 8th, 2016|

Activist, Advocate, Advocist – which of these will unlock the doors to Whistleblowing legislative policy makers?

I attended the StandUpForTruth event at Birbeck University last Monday. http://standupfortruth.org/ A panel of whistleblowers sat on stage sharing their own stories of speaking truth to power and the resultant pain of being punished for doing the right thing and in the public interest. They, like most whistleblowers, including myself had felt [...]

March 8th, 2016|