Monthly Archives: August 2019

Business cannot remain as a Bystander in a System that gives them Permission to Be.

British historian Arnold Toynbee concluded his 25-year study of 21 civilisations with the observation that “Great civilizations die from suicide, not by murder.” Toynbee observed that each civilisation—or cultural system—has within itself the seeds of its own change and destruction and that even the most prosperous and sophisticated civilisations are [...]

August 22nd, 2019|

Why Do Challenging Conversations Threaten Our Identity?

Most of my blogs are indexed to the reasons why I provide training for Courageous Conversations but I’ve seldom written directly about Courageous Conversations.  This blog is different. "Tough Conversations", "Challenging Conversations",  "Crucial Conversations", "Difficult Conversations" – there are a multitude of labels that suggest why communication can be fraught [...]

August 5th, 2019|