Monthly Archives: September 2017

One Of The Worst Reproaches In The World Is To Be Called A Coward

  No leader would readily say they wanted cowardice but until you’ve seen a workplace of confident, idea-sharing, risk-taking, conflict-engaging, openly dissenting people, it’s hard to know the difference. Courage is something that we want for ourselves in gluttonous portions and adore in others without qualification whilst cowardice, uncertainty, defensiveness and [...]

September 30th, 2017|

Dear Barclays CEO; Mr Staley, it doesn’t have to be this way

There has been appropriate outrage at your actions in seeking to unmask a whistleblower at Barclays Bank. The angry rhetoric is a reaction to the misalignment with what the ‘Barclays Way Code of Conduct’ invites workers to do to raise concerns and your actual response. You hold a powerful position, you [...]

September 4th, 2017|