Monthly Archives: September 2015

Who do you love? Wrongdoers or Whistleblowers?

Corporate wrongdoing, political scandals, abuse and more are featured regularly and prominently in news reports.  Despite the many publications on ethics research there is still much to be done to acquire a body of knowledge that will impact real-world behaviour.  Because most of us are influenced by those around us [...]

September 21st, 2015|

My name is Wendy Addison and I am a Whistleblower

'Just as the whistleblower defies so many - not only the rest of the company, but the auditors and everyone who accepted the firm while it apparently did well - the whistleblower presents a challenge to us all.' Read the full article here: SpeakOut SpeakUp Whistleblowing as Doing the Right Thing [...]

September 4th, 2015|