Monthly Archives: May 2015

Understanding Rebel Resentment – It all Begins with YOU

Nietzsche wrote, “arrogance on the part of the meritorious is even more offensive to us than the arrogance of those without merit, for merit itself is offensive” (1878, Aphorism 332)   While societies may differ on what it means to be moral, they agree that it is good to be [...]

May 26th, 2015|

Hear My Voice – Why Leaders Struggle to hear Bad News

To date, a lot of focus has been placed on analysing the messengers of ‘bad’ news; often those whose quest to be heard results in them having to blow the whistle, often externally. In this blog, I’d like to flip the focus onto the recipients of ‘bad’ news, most often [...]

May 9th, 2015|