Monthly Archives: January 2013


There are two approaches to building organisational culture:One has a deficit focus: detect errors, analyse root causes, plan remedies, and implement corrections. The second has an appreciative, positive focus: seek and draw out human strengths so the organisation self-organises to be even better.With respect to company ethics, the first approach, [...]

January 31st, 2013|

Beware of the YES men

Fear or Favour – Rank or Yank and the Golden Boy/Girl SyndromeOne of the dirty little secrets of many organizations is a debilitating caste system that identifies a few as stars, who are then rewarded and afforded special privileges, and damns the rest as mediocrities who are expected to be [...]

January 29th, 2013|

Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition), 26 Jan 2013. Page4

Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)26 Jan 2013

January 28th, 2013|